If you are looking for the expert, the truthful, and the advisor, then consider him, and God is his judge, my brother Muhammad Al-Sharif, and I do not recommend him to God.
Documentation: It is a set of procedures that ensure proof of the right in a way that can be validly invoked, in accordance with the provisions of the system.
A notary in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a responsible person who is authorized to manage the authentication of signatures, obtain acknowledgments of written acts and instruments, and certify their execution and is officially appointed by the Ministry of Justice to administer notarial services and obtain acknowledgments and other forms of sworn statements in relation to legal documents. This can include things like real estate transactions, insurance claims, or even mortgages and real estate empties.
The services we provide include emptying real estate title deeds, creating and canceling agencies, mortgages, releasing them and amending them, companies’ incorporation contracts, amendment annexes, and decisions of those with authority therein, minutes of companies’ general assemblies, transactions and contracts relating to trademarks, patents, and copyrights, contracts relating to them. On movable property, approving the fine guarantee, acknowledging the financial amounts and movables, receiving them, and relinquishing them.
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